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Size guide - Backpacks

Size Guide - Backpack

Am I Regular-Long or Regular-Short?

Regular Long (RL) and Regular Short (RS) are markings on our trekking backpacks for two different back lengths. Measure your back length and find the best fit for you in this size table.

How do I measure my back length?

Look at the image below and measure from your In thvideo, we show how to measure your back length from your 7th vertebra to your hipbone. Then you see if you should choose regular-long och regular-short size. See our video below to get more tips on how to adjust your backpack to your body.

Back length guide

Padje Light, Saruk Pro, Saruk Expedition
Regular Long (RL) For longer backs/bigger torsos460-560 mm
Regular Short (RS) For shorter backs / smaller torsos420-460 mm