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Fia Aunsmo

Mountain yoga teacher

Fia Aunsmo

Meet our Lundhags friend "Yoga-Fia" who works with yoga close to nature

Fia Aunsmo runs the yoga company "Yoga with Fia", where she uses the whole mountain as her yoga hall. In 2006, she certified as a yoga teacher and has practiced yoga throughout her adult life. In 2015, she completed the wilderness guide, and has since then woven yoga into all the adventures she arranges. She has a yoga studio in Åre with a magical view of Renfjället and Åresjön where she receives yogis in groups or one by one.

Fia arrange easy to advanced hikes, and she likes to stop by a pond or stream and bathe. In the summer she likes to go out with a board on Åresjön and yoga. In winter, she creates the opportunity to be present on alpine, cross-country and cross-country skis. The basic rule for her is the same: Stop and look around, observe your feelings and surroundings. Accept, what comes and what is. To then be able to let go of it. It may sound easy but it is quite difficult and it is her job to help in the process so that it flows.

“When I moved up to Åre, I had no knowledge of the mountains, I did not grow up with it. That's why I was so happy when I entered the wilderness school. It has created my security in the mountains, the courage to be alone in the mountains and taught me so much that I feel safe. In all aspects of the mountain I implemented yoga, the element where I already have a nice sense of security. Kombon is fantastic! When I take out groups in the mountains today who have never been to the mountains, I have a very good understanding of fears, which usually are based on ignorance at first”.

We asked Fia 5 questions about the love of nature

What does nature mean to you?

- Silence, time for reflection, time to find oneself, breathe, find consciousness in my body.

What do you experience is the biggest difference between yoga in nature and yoga in the studio?

We have the forces of nature right into our bodies, regardless of the weather, so nature synchronizes with us. Like the body calibrating what it needs to do to withstand heat, or take care of the wind, without resistance. You become a part of nature. The difference is that you understand how powerfully nature can affect us. You get a higher effect in nature than in a yoga room.

What gives you joy?

- When I take the time to get out into nature. It can be anything from hiking, to lying in the moss, walking barefoot in the lawn, taking a dip, a cold bath, or swimming in the summer.

What is your Relation to Lundhags?

- Lundhags feels like a genuine company that protects nature and has good quality and stylish design. If you buy a garment or a product from Lundhags, you can trust that it will last a long time.

Tips for the reader for a more natural and mindful everyday life?

- Everyone has some kind of lawn nearby. Take off socks and shoes and walk barefoot and just stand on the lawn and just breathe in a few breaths. If you want to add something, you can circle your arms over your head and breathe air into your lungs. Then you can oxygenate the body to the maximum. It is a moment of mindfulnes that makes a difference to your mental presence.